Golfers in for a rare opportunity of a one in two!

There certainly is enough to keep even the most fanatical fitness fans busy this December with runs, swims, cycle events and any combination of all of these in the coming weeks. But there is also plenty for those who prefer to participate in more skillful forms of exercise where challenging strength of mind and concentration is more important than level of fitness. We talk of course of golf and there are several great golfing events on the calendar.

Two of the most exciting golf competitions both have cars, no, not just cars but Audi A1’s to be won for the first hole-in-one in each tournament. On the 29th December we have the HAT & HOUND CLASSIC which we featured in Friday’s news. If you haven’t read all about the Hat & Hound because, like the rest of South Africa, you were distracted by the mind blowing decision by ‘everyone’s favourite’ politician to fire the Minister of Finance and send the Rand into tailspin, there is a link at the bottom of this article that will take you to the Friday’s post.

Jeff Clause of St Francis Links sent through the following over the weekend and if you are a golfer, even a high handicap, here is a chance to walk away with a prize in a million. A hole-in-one is the perfect fluke and probably more hole-in-one’s have been recorded by golfers in the 18 to 36 handicap range than those in the sub 10 category so get your entry in as soon as you have read this article for there is a limited field.

On December 21st at St Francis Links will be holding a 4-Ball Alliance competition with morning tee-off times for the early rises and afternoon tee-off times for those who need to practice a little before
teeing off. The cost for visitors is R470.00 which includes your green fees, competition and a cart. For those who want a shot at the big prize, a brand spanking new Audi A1, and who in their right mind wouldn’t want a shot, R100.00 is all it will cost and all of your hole-in-one fese will go to support NSRI’s Station 21.

So not only could you be driving off Audi A1 but you will be contributing to the coffers of National Sea Rescue Station 21 based right here at Port St Francis who have in the past performed amazing rescues saving countless lives and need all the financial assistance so they can continue their fantastic and at times, dangerous work.

NSRI Golf Day at St Francis Links

If you missed this on Friday read all about the other opportunity where golfers have an opportunity to win an Audi A1 at the “Hat & Hound Classic”

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