There was much excitement at Ons Tuiste Retirement and Assisted Living Facility last Saturday with their Golden Oldie Gift Bags. Residents were treated to a Golden Oldies Gift Bag filled with surprise goodies and enjoyed an afternoon tea with cup cakes whilst the choir from St Francis United Church entertained them with a medley of Christmas Carols. The choir moved through the facility to ensure that those too frail to attend the tea could also have an opportunity to sing along to their favourites.

The St Francis Rotary Club’s Golden Oldie Gift Bag project is made possible by the many donations from the generous St Francis community and fundraising by the Rotary Club of St Francis and 100 of these bags were allocated to Ons Tuiste. Our thanks go to all the donors, volunteers and Ons Tuiste management for making this possible with an extra big thank you to the St Francis United Church, for reaching out and bringing so much Festive joy to some of our senior citizens.

See also:Rotary Family Health Day in Sea Vista

Golden Oldie Gift Bags