Cape St Francis Resort awarded Fair Trade Tourism Certification
As part of their ongoing drive towards sustainable and responsible tourism the Cape St Francis Resort is pleased to announce that they have recently been awarded their Fair Trade Tourism certification, yet another notch in their long list of hospitality accreditation’s.
The Resort holds a central location in the eco-friendly village of Cape St Francis, fringed by pristine beaches and nature reserves, staffed by home grown villagers and offering a host of excursions and attractions revolving around the local community, making Fair Trade Tourism certification a natural step in their evolution.
Anita Lennox of Cape St Francis Resort says that besides being environmentally conscious and committed to fair practice, the establishment also provides various day trips and tours aimed at the upliftment and development of the local community and protection of natural resources. “As part of our ‘We Care’ programme the Resort offers a three-fold tour, taking guests from the resident penguin rehabilitation centre to nearby children’s haven and ending off at a knitting co-operative aimed at empowering disadvantaged people through skills development,” she says.
“Besides this we also recycle all our waste and have a thriving worm farm where compost is produced to grow fresh veggies and herbs for our kitchen,” adds Anita.
Over the last decade Fair Trade certification had become a sought-after label for those travellers opting for a more socially and environmentally responsible way of exploring South Africa, making endorsement by this non-profit organisation a leading determining factor for many tourists and increasingly important for eco-friendly hospitality institutions.
“We are thrilled to have ticked all the boxes and have every intention of continuing our ethos of promoting local tourism attractions and respecting human rights, culture and the environment,” Anita concludes.
Read more about Fair Trade Tourism
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