Those who didn’t attend the ‘end of season’ party at Legends last evening missed out on a great evening, those who did, well, need we say more other than a great time was had by all. The thousands of visitors who flock to St Francis for the annual Christmas holidays are indeed much needed to boost the St Francis economy, create employment and sustain many businesses for the year ahead for some would surely not exist were it not for the prosperity our visitors bring to the region. BUT! As happy we are to welcome the hordes and have as a community to have our them ‘kaaa-ching’ the cash registers, it is also wonderful to again be able to find parking, not be caught up in traffic jams albeit they only last about three or four minutes, and not have to queue way down past the fridges at SuperSpar when all you wanted was a loaf of bread and a litre of milk. Absent Irish at End of Season party in St Francis Bay So back to the ‘celebration ‘ or ‘END OF SEASON’ party hosted by Legends last night. With ever popular Absent Irish and their foot stomping, sing along Irish melodies, interspersed with other popular music from the earlier years, way prior to Justin Bieber, Rihana or Adelle, entertaining the crowd, the party was on.  And believe it or not most of those present were of an age to have witnessed man landing on the moon for the first time and taking that  ‘one grand step for mankind’. end-of-season-partyAnd to those few youngsters who read this newsletter who think the oldies are past it, we can still party with the best of them for we actually invented the term. And party the crowd did to Absent Irish.   The weather and humidity over the past few weeks has been somewhat reminiscence of Durban in February and last evening certainly was much like Durban in February so listening to Absent Irish was a Déjà vu moment  to the days when the Blarney Brothers used to play at ‘The Barn’ at the old Athlone Hotel  in Durban North. A note to Absent Irish… your very different rendition of that Irish classic “Danny Boy” was really brilliant. Never thought such a mournful ballad could be transformed into a rock song. Well done guys and thanks for entertaining us all. Dul go maith agus teacht ar ais go luath

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