How prepared and competent are you to deal with an emergency?

The many disasters that have struck not only on our doorstep on the Garden Route, van Stadens & Thornhill, particularly Woodridge College as well as the Grenfell tragedy, the devastating fires in Portugal and the fires presently threatening California, illustrates just how important it is to know what to do in the face of a disaster or emergency. Accidents and disasters can strike at any time and without warning and they need not be the huge disasters we have witnessed so recently but rather closer to home and in fact, right in your home.

How equipped are you to deal with any disaster, big or small, that may confront you? Would you know how to deal with it and if necessary save a life if called on to do so. If you had to perform CPR on a member of your family, a child or help someone having a heart attack or suffering a stroke would you be ready and able. If witnessing an accident, even at home could you effectively treat a patient in shock, control their bleeding or burns if injured in an accident or effectively contain the fire with an extinguisher or fire blanket until professional help becomes available?

Basic first aid and fire prevention is something every one of us should have at least some knowledge of and know how to deal with until help arrives for thos first few minutes can make the difference between a minor incidence or a massive disaster or even life and death,

Keith Donaldson of Bay Fire and well known to many in St Francis having headed up the fire team in St Francis a while back is offering a series of courses to equip parents, childminders and caretakers with the basic knowledge and confidence to be able to deal with the common medical emergencies that can be experienced with infants, children and adults. You will learn vital life saving skills such as CPR, dealing with choking incidents and how to treat burns and fractures.

Keith will be running courses at St Francis Links on the 1st and 2nd August so book your place today by calling Keith on 079 981 6088 or mailing him on

You never know when you may be called on to save a life or prevent a disaster.

How prepared and competent are you to deal with an emergency?


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