Whilst enjoying sundowners at a friend’s home on Friday evening the subject naturally turned to politics and the upcoming municipal election. Of course the discussion on whether our President would be handing in his resignation anytime soon was discussed with consensus that is was less likely than the Kouga municipality fixing the increasing number of potholes on St Francis Drive anytime soon.  During our soap box suggestions of what government needs to do my host made a comment that really made sense although admittedly his suggestion was initially rejected until he explained his reasoning

The comment was that the very first thing that the DA should do when, note when, not if, they win the upcoming municipal elections, is spend the first year or two of improving the infrastructure in Sea Vista and other townships within the Kouga district before paying too much attention to the problems that exist in the larger towns such as Jeffreys Bay and St Francis Bay. As said the first reaction was to disagree as these larger, wealthier towns pay the majority of the taxes that support the infrastructure and should at least enjoy the benefits. But his reasoning was sound. To keep the DA in the ruling seat and demonstrate they are the party to move the country forward  they must be seen to be doing more than the present controlling party for there are bound to be by-elections in the coming five years and if the DA was not seen to be supporting its electorate there is always a danger of losing much needed support of the poorer communities.

As the evening progressed matters of the next Springbok coach, the Proteas’ dismal showing at the World T20 Championship replaced politics and no more thought was given to the matter until receiving the following e-Mail from a reader on Saturday saying very much the same thing.

Good day, 

I’ve been wondering for some time whether any of the local municipality members or political parties had ever considered doing some real work to improving the Sea Vista township? Their appalling living conditions seem to be ignored plus the spill over effect of rubbish and wild animals onto the main road to Cape St Francis has caused several near accidents among friends. 

Could a suitable rubbish dump tin or two not be placed there on that road site to prevent a) the danger to the residence including fire risk, health risks etc associated to the rubbish, b) the pollution to the neighbouring reserve and c) the foraging wild animals that stray into the road because of it?

Every friend who’d visited has commented on it and no one can understand why some dump tins couldn’t be donated at least help contain the rubbish.

I would be curious if you have run any stories on this before and as to what local party representatives have to say about it with the upcoming elections? With the successful bouts of fund raising for the DA in the area I was curious at whether any of that was being allocated to these kinds of problems as a method of active campaigning?

I thought it would make for an interesting story if it hasn’t already been done. 

Any insight appreciated,
Lauren .”

Certainly many will disagree but it would be interesting to hear comment on what plans are in place or are being planned.

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