The “Kromme Enviro-Trust” (St Francis Bay) is fortunate to have Dr Colleen Ebersohn address a group at 15:30 on Wednesday 5th April at the Heritage Centre. Entrance is R50 and the talk to be followed by wine and snacks

Dr Colleen Ebersohn and her daughter Janet head up Eco-Route Environmental Consultancy. This is a family run business with Colleen and Janet as the directors. Both are very well educated and versed in the topic and have many years of experience in this field.

The discussion/talk is aimed at informing residents on Environmental Law within the Greater St Francis Bay area (how it affects you: when do you need an EIA, alien vegetation clearing and the integrated coastal management act). This promises to be a very informative and educational talk.

They will address the applicability of the EIA Regulations as per the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA) as well as how to deal with transgressions of the NEMA. This talk will be of interest not only to all members of the public but architects, engineers, town planners, property developers, municipal officials and of course estate agents.

RSVP Yvonne Bosman by e-mail 042 294 0842 or 083 235 8278 for catering purposes.

Kromme Enviro Trust

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