Early morning power outage

Power OutageFollowing a relatively long period where the power supply to the greater St Francis was reasonably stable following some major upgrades to the switching gear in mid November which was not without incident, it appears there are still a few gremlins invading the supply system.

On Saturday 24th December the entire Cape St Francis area was without power for some 14 hours which no doubt caused some consternation amongst residents and holiday makers who prefer to celebrate with a Christmas feast on Christmas eve rather than Christmas day. Apparently caused by the gale force early that morning when the CSF lines were blown down, all appeared to be well and good until late last night and again around 5:20 this morning. Fortunately these outages would have affected few but the late night revellers and the early birds making their daily cuppa before an envigorating early morning beach walk.

Anyhow lets hope it was something minor and the rest of the holiday season will not be blighted by the inconvenience of having no hot coffee, dinner, TV or the unimaginable, no Internet.