Dog walkers will need to purchase permits to walk dogs on golf course

At last there has been some agreement between those walking their dogs on St Francis Bay Golf Club land and the golf club committee with the club agreeing to allow dog walkers on the course provided they obtain a permit. For a fee per dog (not stipulated in the letter) with a limit of two dogs and providing the dogs are kept on leashes and stay with a area within the course it seems a solution has been found. But possibly a better solution will be when the St Francis Common is finally cleared and nicely lawned and with walkways and gardens in place.which will certainly offer a larger area on which to allow their furry friends to exercise providing of course all walkers pick up after their dogs.

Content of the letter is published below.


Dog owners wishing to walk their dogs on the Golf Club Course from 1st  September 2017 will be subject to the following rules and regulations.

  1. Dog owners must be in possession of a valid Permit to walk their dogs on the part of the Course on the sea side (to the South) of St Francis Drive. These Permits are obtainable from the St Francis Bay Golf Club Office.  A small fee is charged per Dog Permit.
  2. A MAXIMUM of TWO dogs may be walked at a time by the Dog Owner and these dogs must be on a leash at all times.
  3. The Dog Owner is to ensure that the flora and fauna present on the course is to be protected at all times.
  4. Certain time constraints apply to the dog walking and are clearly listed in the Permit Agreement.
  5. The Dog Owner agrees to ensure that any “poop” is “scooped”!
  6. The attention of all Dog Owners is drawn to the newly cleared space that the Kouga Municipality has prepared next to the Village Square Centre and the Bowling Club.

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