Dam Levels as at 13th August

In spite of the wonderful we enjoyed on Thursday / Friday last week it seems the catchment areas of our dams didn’t enjoy similar downfalls for aoverall levels have dropped further. Kouga Dam has dropped almost a 1% and is now at just 6.88% with Churchill remaining much the same as last week.

Dam Levels as at 6th August

In spite of wonderful rains over the weekend it seems very little of it actually fell within the catchment area and latest overall dam level reading show a further drop of 0.5% since we last reported two weeks back. Both Churchill and Impofu levels have fallen as have our largest, Kouga Dam which is now just 6.77% of capacity with  Hankey and Patensie now on water “shedding” with water only available early morning and a short period in the evenings with two “washing” days, Wednesday and Saturday where water will be available until 11:00 am.

Most concerning is than neither Nelson Mandela Bay nor Kouga municipality are saying anything to give us confidence that they do in fact have a plan if we do not start getting rain as we enter our rainy period. That Cape Town received good rains in the nick of time does not mean the Eastern Cape will. Maybe they know something we don’t but please Mr Mayor, (NMB & Kouga) let us in on your plan so we can feel a little more secure for our situation certainly appears worse than what Cape Town faced some months back when tons of bottled water was being donated to them from around SA..

Also Read –  ‘Disaster’ looms for farmers and workers as Eastern Cape dam could run dry in 3 months

For comparison here are the dam levels from two weeks ago (23rd July)

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