Kouga Alliance Golf Day and Fundraiser

DA Fundraiser and Golf Day

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The date is set and it is all systems set for the 2016 Kouga Alliance Fund Raising and Golf Day to be held at St Francis Bay Golf Club on 26th March 2016. The competition will be a 4-Ball Alliance with two scores to count and the organisers are hoping for a full field and have allocated both morning and afternoon tee-off times to maximise the number of entries for this, one of the most important events on the golfing calendar.

So as to make it easier for golfers to access an entry form St Francis Today has made this task a little easier by putting the entry form online. To get your team entry in simply download the ENTRY FORM, complete tour teams details and fax, e-mail or deliver it to St Francis Bay Golf Club. But do it now for the organisers expect a full field. Oh…. and while you are about it, why not send this page to as many of your fellow golfers as you can to spread the word. Players from all over the province and indeed the country are welcome to enter and as it is being held over the Easter weekend, it is the perfect opportunity to bring the family down to spend a few days in our wonderful village.

Even if you are not a golfer there are opportunities for you to participate in the fund raising effort by taking up one of several sponsorship opportunities on the tees and greens of the beautiful “old course” layout. And if you do not want to sponsor a tee or green you can still participate by simply donating to the cause. The sponsorship and donation form can also be downloaded from the St Francis Today website so do it now and make sure your voice gets heard in the upcoming municipal elections.

Below is a letter from the organising committee spelling out the importance of this event.

You may already be aware of the initiative started several years ago by a small group of concerned St Francis residents and property owners to raise funds to assist the DA in their efforts to fight various local, national and provincial elections and by-elections. This initiative raised some R228 000 in 2013 and R353 000 in 2014, which certainly helped the DA to increase its support, most recently to an overall DA majority of some 2500 votes in the Kouga area in the 2014 elections.

As you know, however, the major battle is yet to come – the 2016 local government elections. There is a very real prospect of the DA gaining control of the Kouga Council in these elections (the DA currently holds 14 seats versus the 15 of the ANC). Given the importance of the task at hand and to give the DA a really good chance of achieving this, we are aiming to re-set the record books in this year’s fundraising drive. You will be interested to know that some of the monies previously raised are already being used to fight the 2016 election by funding a new Kouga telecanvassing centre, a social media marketing campaign and the remuneration of activists seen as critical to securing DA support in the non-traditional areas.

We firmly believe that victory in these elections will give us real hope of seeing much-needed longer term sustainable improvements in service delivery, infrastructure, employment and governance in the Kouga region. We are therefore sincerely requesting you to support us in achieving our 2016 fundraising objective and, if you are a golfer, to support this year’s golf day which will be held on 26th March 2016 during the Easter long weekend, again at the St Francis Bay Golf Course.

In tomorrow’s edition of St Francis Today we will we will feature a letter of appeal from Elza van Lingen, the local MP for the DA, together and the Entry and Sponsorship forms will be available online until day before the event but don’t delay, DO IT NOW!

The Kouga Organizing Committee members are John Wilson (convenor), Andrew Bowren, Evan Dold, Norman Dyer, Tim Elliott, Barry Jepson, Charles Laird, Rex Macgregor, Peter Maskew, Norman Newcombe, Michael Pearton, Barry Phillips, George Stegmann

To get both the the Golf entry and Sponsorship form CLICK HERE or on the graphic below

DA Fundraiser and Golf Day

Click on graphic to download entry and sponsorship and donation forms

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