The Democratic Alliance (DA) in the Eastern Cape congratulates the DA-governed Kouga Municipality on the unqualified audit report it received from the Auditor General (AG) in the 2016/17 financial year.

Under the leadership of Mayor Elza van Lingen, the Municipality ended off the financial year with R84 million in the bank, up from R78 million in the previous financial year.

Income was raised through the sale of electricity and water as well as sanitation and waste removal. Staff costs also showed a decrease of R700 000.

The Municipality’s financial efforts also gave rise to the construction of 391 RDP houses in Kruisfontein.
This report confirms that where the DA governs, public money is spent on delivering services to the people and is not lost on irregular, unauthorised, wasteful and fruitless expenditure.This financial success shows that we govern in the best interest of our residents and that we spend money on delivery and on improving lives

While the ANC has wasted money and abandoned the people, this DA government will continue to serve the people of the Kouga Municipality and carry out the mandate of those who voted us into power. When we campaigned ahead of the 2016 Local Government Elections we committed to bringing change, and we are doing exactly that. Come 2019, the DA will bring a new beginning to the whole of the Eastern Cape and implement this brand of good governance which places the people first and ensures that services are delivered.

Press release –  Mlindi Nhanha
DA Eastern Cape Spokesperson