We received the following letter from a concerned Santareme resident Stuart Sanderson yesterday regarding the litter and garbage that piles up, particularly on St Francis Bay drive from Tarragona road towards the Port and the whole length of the R330 Cape St Francis to Humansdorp,

Interestingly, attending a Kouga Wind Farm update session last evening, the very action that Mr Sanderson is calling for is one of the initiatives that Lukhanyo Ndube of the Wind Farm brought up as one of the matters carried forward from the previous meeting having then been suggested by St Francis Bay Residents Association’s Chairman, Nigel Aitken. Ndube has asked Aitken, who is stepping down as chairman and from the committee at the AGM on Thursday, if he would take on pursuing an initiative to create employment through work groups from the local Sea Vista community to deal with collection of litter not only on the roads but also the beaches for the Wind Farm would certainly consider it a project worthy of funding providing such a programme was properly set up. But more on the Wind Farm in an upcoming edition of St Francis Today.

Mr Sanderson’s letter


I cycle & walk regularly in St Francis. Whilst the grass verges have been cut and from the comfort of a motor vehicle the roads look reasonably clean it is disgusting how much litter particularly plastic bags, bottles, sheeting, tin cans, toilet paper and general rubbish is littered on the sides of the road in the surrounding bushes. It seams that whilst the municipal teams cut the grass along the roads edges no litter is picked up, or is just thrown further into the surrounding bushes.  
Particularly bad areas are along St Francis Bay drive from Tarragona road towards the Port. The whole length of the R330 Cape St Francis to Humansdorp, particularly Cape St Francis to Tarragona road. 
Tarragona road is disgusting, Businesses along Tarragona road should assist in the clean up the section between St Francis bay drive and the corner before entering Sea Vista ( Bob Meikles corner). The municipality should clean daily the refuse in Sea Vista not to mention the open sewer on the R330.
Granny’s pool needs cleaning daily in the holiday season, emptying rubbish bins unfortunately does not clean up the litter thrown carelessly into surrounding bushes. A walk though the streets of Satereme shows that every area of surrounding bush has rubbish thrown into it usually plastic bottles, plastic sheeting and cans. . 
If the municipality cannot keep the area clean then perhaps the Residence association can organise voluntary clean up teams The holiday season has just started and this town to start with already looks like a litter dump.
Stuart Sanderson”
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