Concern over children’s creche in residential zone

An open letter from local residents Neil & Les Brent regarding a proposed childrens creche off Lyme Road.  How do you feel about a children’s creche in a residential area?

Open letter to all St Francis Bay Residents

A notice has appeared in the Kouga Express newspaper of the 3 August 2017 re the APPLICATION FOR  DEPARTURE FROM THE ZONING SCHEME TO OPERATE A CRECHE ON ERF 455 SEA VISTA ( 69 LYME ROAD NORTH)

 As per Government regulations, this area is registered Single Residential Zone 1.,  Land Use Planning Ordinance provides for single-family houses.  The regulations further state –  Limited employment and additional opportunities are possible as primary or consent uses, provided that the impacts of such do not aversely effect the surrounding residential environment.

We, as the closest and most immediately impacted by the proposed crèche, for 35 children from 08.00 to 17.00, 5 days per week, object vehemently to the application.  The outdoor play area directly abuts our property and according to the planned programme for the children, 4 hours per day are allowed for this activity.

Furthermore, our investment in St Francis will devalue.  We moved here 28 years ago to enjoy a quiet environment  – not to be uniquely impacted by the noise of 35 children playing 4m from our study and bedroom .

The applicant is not the homeowner (lives in Cape St Francis), is renting the property and not residing on the premises.  I am disappointed and annoyed with the registered owner of erf 455, who has failed to recognise our concerns and rights, for the sake of income.

The applicant has ignored the change this will have on the character and essence of St Francis Bay. It will set a precedent in St Francis and open the door to “anything goes – free for all”. 

The proposed crèche is situated in a particularly dangerous position.  The applicant has not done a formal study to address the serious and dangerous traffic issues already existing.  The reality of 35 additional cars driving this section of road at peak traffic times, is not conducive to dropping off and collecting children.

A further safety issue is that of wayward golf balls.  Living on the perimeter of a golf course one accepts that this WILL happen.  Any injury / death of a child will have major repercussions and be bad publicity for the golf course and St Francis Bay.  This is a serious problem and it is surprising the golf club committee have given their consent without consulting with their members.

The applicant states in her application that “there is a dire need for infant and after care” in the area.  It should be noted that there is already a crèche  associated with St Francis College (situated near the municipal offices) and Talhado, with all the necessary requirements in place AND NEITHER OF THESE ARE NOT RUNNING AT FULL CAPACITY

Neil and Les Brent 042 2940176.   71 Lyme Road North, erf 1350 sea vista

How do you feel about a children’s creche in a residential area?