St Francis United Church recently hosted St Francis College’s first musical event for the local community – and the kids were a hit!

Colleen Mutch invited nine music students to perform for the audience, which proved to be a valuable exercise in confidence-building ahead of their year-end international music exams.

College music teacher Natasha Brown said live performance was a key component of becoming more comfortable with one’s skills and that her pupils played very well.

After the ‘show’, the young musicians were treated to refreshments, cakes and lovely thank-you gifts.

Music teacher Natasha Brown encouraged this experience for her pupils as confidence building for the year end exams giving them the opportunity to show their talents.

St. Francis College musicians

St. Francis College musicians (back from left) Samara Howell, Jemma Boonzaier, Morgan Lindsay, Jamie Lindsay, music teacher Natasha Brown and (front, from left), Emma Boonzaier, Eva Hurley, Morgan Ackerman, Kaia Forsyth and Nathan Hendriks. – Photo Colleen Mutch

Article by Roxanne Litherland and Beth Cooper Howell

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