Kouga Municipality - logoCertificates to inspire service excellence

Two Kouga municipal employees were commendedwith Certificates of Service Excellence for delivering outstanding service to the public at a recent meeting of the Kouga Council.

Mandy Jantjies, a senior services clerk in the municipality’s Revenue Department at St Francis Bay, and Dial Titus, superintendent: Technical Services at Jeffreys Bay, were awarded Certificates of Service Excellence.

Executive Mayor Elza van Lingen said that the certificate programme had been introduced so as to “recognise instances of outstanding service delivery and to nurture a culture of service excellence among municipal employees”.

 She said the programme was linked to the municipality’s new vision, “Good Governance through Service Excellence”, which was adopted by the Council in December 2016.

 “Kouga has many fine and dedicated workers. It is important that we, as councillors, recognise and support their efforts as well,” she said.

Certificates of Service Excellence

Kouga Speaker Horatio Hendricks (left) and Executive Mayor Elza van Lingen (right) award the first Certificates of Service Excellence to Mandy Jantjies and Dial Titus.


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