St Francis Bay Property Owners Logo

A reminder to St Francis Property Owners in Gauteng, Port Elizabeth and St Francis,  meetings in are being held as follows

  • Johannesburg (Thursday 21 July at the Inanda Country Club in Sandton – 18:00),
  • St Francis Bay (Monday 25 July at The Links – 17:30 for 18:00),
  • Port Elizabeth (Tuesday 26 July at the Old Grey Club – 17:30 for 18:00).

The purpose of these meetings are to update you on:-

  • The Beach and Spit authorisation (Phase 1)
  • what is required to complete the EIA for Phase  in which we restore the River, Beach and Spit
  • present the Master Plans and Estimated Costs for the work we propose doing on restoring our Roads, Stormwater Drains and Sewerage.

This will give us a good understanding of how much money we need to raise to repair and restore our infrastructure.

For those of you in other areas but will be either in Johannesburg; St Francis Bay or Port Elizabeth over the dates mentioned above please feel free to attend the meetings
Best wishes
SFPO Committee