Coming Soon! “A Taste of St Francis”

Write-On Publishing of St Francis Bay will soon release a REPRODUCTION & REPRINT of the iconic 1990’s St Francis Bay recipe books “A Taste of St Francis” and “A Second Taste of St Francis”, originally produced by the St Francis Bay Friendship Club in 1993 and 1996 respectively.

The two booklets are being combined into one volume: “A Taste of St Francis”, and in contrast to the quaint typed and photocopied originals, the book will be a high-quality, modern, professionally typeset and bound book.

The book contains dozens of recipes, ranging from the sublime to the simple, all submitted by St Francis Bay residents of the day – all their names will appear in the book. It also contains anecdotes and reminiscences by St Francis Bay residents about life in the village and its history, The book is illustrated by dozens of simple, almost primitive, line drawings.

At the request of the original compiler of the books, Yvonne Bosman, whose brainchild this project is, part of the proceeds of the sale of the books will be donated to the Kromme Enviro-Trust, which fully endorses the project.

Write-On Publishing publishes the books of local author Bartle Logie, and was also instrumental in the revival of the book “The Sea Shells of Jeffreys Bay” for the Sea Shells Museum last year.

“At the launch of Bart’s latest book, “Toasted Marshmallows & Obies” at The Links recently, I was approached by another St Francis Bay legend, Yvonne Bosman, who asked me if I would consider re-publishing the two iconic St Francis Bay recipe books, originally produced by Yvonne for the then St Francis Bay Friendship Club. We met subsequently and I decided to give it a go. In the normal course of events, I would be paid a fee to produce a book, but obviously in this case, that was not going to happen, so I have returned to the same method as they used originally to fund the books – advertising,” said Frank Nunan of Write-On Publishing.

Amazingly, some of the original advertisers are still around!

The book may be pre-ordered from the Write-On Publishing website at a special pre-production price of R120 – retail price will be R150 once the book is printed. (

Any companies interested in advertising in the book are asked to contact Frank at

In addition to being available online, Village Superspar in St Francis Bay has agreed to stock the books once they have been produced.


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