Bring your favourite pet for a photo at Market.

St Francis Animal Rescue is doing something a little different and rather exciting at the Market this weekend. Well known Port Elizabeth artist and photographer Sharon Welman will be visiting St Francis this weekend and will be photographing owners and their pets or the pets on their own.

The cost will be R200 per sitting for a frameable photograph with half of the proceeds from this rather unique fund raiser going to SFAR so they can continue their work of decreasing the number of puppies being born with much needed funding for their Open Your Eyse – Sterilize Fund.  So bring your pet, dog cat, rabbit, lion cub, (just kidding) and create a memory with you furry friend.

SFAR is setting up a marquee at the market from where Sharon will work her magic and from where the SFAR team will also be selling doggie snacks and treats, leads and collars and all sorts of pet paraphernalia.


Also at the Market tomorrow

The much awaited re-print of the St Francis Bay cookbook, A Taste of ST Francis, originally created by Yvonne Bosman has hit the shelves and will be available at the market tomorrow. Yvonne will be on the Write On Publishing stand where the book will be on sale between 10:00 and 11:00 to sign your copy. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of the book will go to the Kromme Enviro-Trust so not only will you be getting a book with some great, tried and tested recipes but you will also be supporting Kromme Enviro-Trust. Two for the price of one!


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